Paper Review: Canson Montval 300gr

21 Sep

Wheee (>u<) I am back….to rant :p

and to review a paper, so at least this post will be serve as something…useful hahaha

So let’s start from the beginning (=w=)

I bought one roll of Canson Montval 300gr coldpressed watercolor paper with my friends. One roll consist of 10×1.5m worth of papers…which is taller than me if you include the core roll in the middle and the box \(TuT)/ hahahaha~ I shared it with 4 other friend, so roughly I got 2×1.5m *twas a looott indeed*. Years ago, I use this paper too, not so often, but I considered this paper are gud enuff…no buckling, can endure a lot of water and so on XD


Few days ago I went and try to dip in those papers, and voila! this is the result


This might be because I am not yet comfortable with this paper, but here here…look closer


I am unable to make a smooth layer blending as easy as I did in my usual paper TnT) It ended up so rough since the surface dried up easily even making the usual flatwash harder than it should be….and not to mention, unevenly :’3 *trying not to cry* Let’s move to another problem…


I am trying to make a decent rootlike twist here…and when I add another darker layer, the previous layer just LIFTED away…yaayy XD *try not to cry (2)* it became lighter instead of darker…and again…making it uneven. If your style of coloring involved light wash and a lot of lifting, I will say this paper will be awesome for you. It just doesn’t suit my style which involved a lot of layering…and please don’t tell me to “Wait till the paper to dry up first before you layer” because I did and I always do :’3 but the paint just keep lifted away no matter how long I wait it to dry. This is a very forgiving paper for beginner since you can wiped it white using your brush, it just doesn’t suit me X’D

The fast drying and the uneven distribution maybe caused due the strong sizing and it’s cellulose component :’3


I got caught between “Is this because I am not gud enuff?” or “Is this because the paper is not gud enuff??” since I believe that its 90% depend on the artist’s ability and experience to make make a great artworks. I went to try it further to at least make myself familiar with this paper…I even changed my coloring style to light pastelly with less layers, VOILA!


Here you can see that my futile attempt to make the red squares even (on the yellow hakama girl’s background) ended up in disaster :’3 *trying not to cry…sobs a bit*. Plus, look closely to the mornng glory flowers….its hideous…I can barely make a smooth transition between the purple and the yellow :’3 set aside my attempt to give depth on them hahahaha…it frightened me. Bye bye flatwash, bye bye gradation wash….bye layering


The other example of failed flatwash is on the Bear’s pic…the color distributed unevenly on the top left part of its fur (ps: I swear I rarely failed in gradient wash and OMG FLATWASH using my normal paper). Oh, and when I am using Holbein Masking fluid on this paper, the paper’s surface got scrapped a bit when I peel it away and left a dirty smudge :’3 *HOW MANY REDFLAGS I HAVE TO FACE…OH GOD*

I am a girl who doesn’t know when to give up (=w=)a till the ULTIMATE REDFLAG…which is coming veryyyyy lateeeee…in this case, happened in the end of the drawing yaayyy XD Before I start coloring, I always taped my drawing using masking tape to my drawing board to avoid buckling (if ever happen, better prepared than too late right)…


Yup, it happened~ Wheeeee XD “I HAVE ENOUGH! ENOUGH REDFLAGS ALREADY, I AM DONE!” The masking tape ripped the side of drawing (please notice the darken edges where I attempted to make it darker…but it just like usual…dried unevenly…hideously). I’ve wait till the painting dried an peeled this like my usual routine, but it just ripped *try not to cry, cry a lot*

“Sorry paper. This is not your fault, not my fault…but we can’t work like this, I have to end this. I am sorry again! May you ended up on the better hand, the one who can take care of you better. The one who can drive you to your full potential.”

Here is my break up story with this paper. I still have a lot of them on hands, which I might never use ever again…except for practice mebbe…I hope I can give them to anyone who want to try.

After such mess, I try to consoling my broken heart with the love of my life (AAAHHH!! Luv, sorry hahaha XD Please share your throne with this paper okie :p) It kinda expensive, but it caught my heart and never let go…not even Arches can steal me away XD The love of my life is Fabriano Artistico 300gr Coldpressed


You might unable too see the diff since the picture is not so detailed, but the blending is so smooth and the color popped up more than the other paper (I’ll do another review regarding this paper and another papers soon XD) it literally effortless for me to draw on this paper…and I like the ivory touch on the paper ❤ I’ll reupload the better quality when my friend sends me later :p

Wise advice: Don’t buy random paper in bulk, try a lot of paper in small sizes. So you won’t strain yourself financially and mentally by taking too much unfit paper, like me LOL.

It’s been a while isn’t it?

31 Aug

I think the last time I publish anything remotely correlated with drawing are around 2 years ago, even though the last time I literally posted anything was a year ago. A lot of things happened during that time…graduation, freelance, work, new socmed called Telegram, I found someone I called luv, (mean) illustrators incubation project, failing test and even some deaths of people I close to…WHEW, it sounds dramatic if I put it dat way. Its two years in a sentence, so don’t be surprised hahaha. I am going to post again since now I have enuff money to set aside since the very reason I lagged behind was….STORAGE IS FULL. Wheeee, soon I’ll buy the personal package to get an additional storage XD so see you soon~

Visit my IG for now, @bearelybear ^u^

Long Time No See…

16 Aug

How long do I was away from this blog? Its almost 6 months, isn’t it? and even before that, I was away for quite some time. Pardon my abscence (^,^;) I didn’t stop drawing, I just uploading things at my Instagram more often because I have the app on my phone. To be honest, I am kinda confused (notice the present tense, I am still confuse) whether I should double upload in my Instagram and here or nah since it’ll be boring for you guys…or is it only in my mind? 😦 I think I should also update things here  (>n<). I will reupload few things from my Instagram here, since I start to make a daily doodle there…its a pencil sketch tho~<3 hang in there, I’ll be back soon. :* :* :*


14 Feb



An art for friend (1)

15 Sep


Just because XD ahahaha~

Pie Strawberry

13 Sep


Sorry for a long pause, I need to get hold of something then hehehehe XD Anyway, because I can’t produce the fine shade of black, I change the new girl’s hair with sephia color *she will often appear here, so I decide to make her hair color fairly consistent….and right now, black is not my strongest shade T__T)*


Komik PMPM 44: Stalker Detected!!

12 Aug
